One brilliant clear sunny day my parents planned for us to go to the beautiful beach because of how hot Saturday. So then my parents told us that it was so hot so they decided that they wanted us to go and relax at the beach.
There were so many things that we had bought for our family to take to the beach, like snacks and refreshments and meats and rice and so the list goes on. Now that the day had finally arrived, I was ready to spend a wonderful time with my parents at the beach. On Saturday morning, my mom and dad had been Super busy cooking the food in the kitchen while I helped packed the refreshments in a large cooler box with ice. As soon as my parents finished cooking the food they said get ready it's time to go and relax at the beach.
The sand was the most gentle gold, almost wished me and muted, the humble star of the scene. I love this beach. I love the driftwood that comes upon the light-heated waves as tiny rescue boats. Then there is the seaweed.The cool water laps at my feet, fizzing and bubbling like brine. Even though the sun is beating on my back, briny water is full of salt, like sea water, calm water does not move very much. choppy water has a lot of waves in it because the wind is blowing across it.
After that I was still swimming. I decided to go into the water but then I drowned because the huge waves were flowing as fast as they could. So then I was drowning and my parents didn’t even know that I was drowning down into the sea. Then my sister and my dad were swimming in the sea and they were hearing someone call for help but then after that they saw someone drowning down the water and dad said to me I am coming to save you watch out I am coming.
After that my dad came and he saved me then I said thank you dad you are a superhero you saved me then my dad said watch out next time because you might drowned for real ok.I felt so Shocked after my Dad saved me and I had heaps of entertainment and had fun with my parents. After that I went home and was super tired because of how much fun I had at the beach with my beautiful family.
Today I was doing a test about my narrative story here it is. I felt so calm and I was so shocked when I started my test and I was shaking so bad when I got up this morning remembering that I had a test.