
Friday, 31 July 2020

Myths & Legends.

This week we are learning about Myths & Legends this is about what I have been learning about when I was rotating to different classes.

Term 3 Goals

Term 3 goals: My first goal is being a good reader and to read 60 minutes everyday morning and evening.
  My second goal is to be a better writer.
 My Third goal is learning all my time tables all off by heart.
My forth goal is to try my best in everything know matter what ever happens.
 My fifth thing is to actually achieve my goals this term.
Then my sixths goal is making my family & friends proud of me since it is going to be my last year at Point England School.


Today this is all what I learned about these are the 5 myths and legends that I have been learning about for our theme this week.

Keeping on top of my Well Being

Today I was doing a task about mt well being. This task is all about what taha's i have been working on and what taha's I need to work improve on so this is my task about taha well being.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Introduction to decimals

This week we are learning about decimals and out Walt is about understanding decimals. Decimals is all about the place values.

Sam Bacon

Today we are going to get free clothes from Sam Bacon. This is a picture of him and this is facts about him and he is a young guy.  Thank you so much to this  Link for the information about Sam Bacon

Thank you so much to Sam Bacon and his friends for providing us cool clothes we appreciate you guys so much thank you.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Understanding Decimals

This week we are learning about understand decimals and our Walt is build decimals using material.

Monday, 27 July 2020

Learning New Words!

Learning new words everyday is important! Though finding out what extraordinary means. This is about what  extraordinary means and what these other words mean.

Please be attractive to find out more about your vocabulary .

Reading and achieving GOALS.

Talofa Lava, today we have returned to literacy class. I'm in the group Gee for reading.

This term I'm going to try and get to higher grades for reading by reading everyday and trying to reach the higher age for my reading this year.

I will be trying to read everyday for at least 30 minutes. 

Looking forward to achieving my reading this term.

This is the book I am reading it is called diary of a would be princess author Jessica Green

Friday, 24 July 2020

Faa Samoa

This is me and this is things I have learned about Samoa my culture. This is  the traditional culture of Samoa is a communal way of life so this is in my work that I am posting so please read it and enjoy please leave a comment after you have seen this.

I will be posting more so please follow my journey about Samoa.

Samoa Sau ia, Sauni mo le isi ou blog post e uiga ia samoa

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Jamica Blue Mountain Coffee

Task Description: Today in Inquiry we did Rotations and I was in my home class  Room 5 with Miss Tipene. She explained to us about the task. In this activity we have learnt that people in Jamaica were dominated to be slaves, some people escaped and lived on the Blue Mountain where Coffee beans are made.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Facts/ Research about Croatia

Today I decided to make a Research or facts about Croatia because we learned about that but there was a story that Mrs Tele'a told us so I did a research with my family and this is what we found out so please read it and give me some information about what you think about this.

Please Leave me a comment after you are finished reading this.

Dragon's eye lake - Croatian myth

Today I was in  Mrs Tele'a and she told us a story then we had to make a poster about the eye. We were learning about the Myth of the eye of the Dragon.

Cambodian Myth of Lightning, Thunder and Rain

Today I was in room 11 and we had to match the type of God and the Collection of the Method then the gift that they got so the country that we were learning about today was Cambodian myth of the lighting, thunder, rain.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Greek Mythology

Today for inquiry we learnt about Greek mythology. We learnt about the different Greek gods, the Greek creation story and about Hermes when  Hermes has a baby he invested fire and a lyre (a harp)see my story.