
Monday, 7 December 2020



Today our year sevens were coding and this is our video that we made. 

Water Melon, Summer Learning Journey

This task I did the summer learning journey and I enjoyed doing this task because I was doing different kind of art and I was trying to match the picture with the original picture. I have learnt to create my own art using different colours. I enjoyed creating this art because it was fun and i was entertained by this task . 



Friday, 4 December 2020

Art Expo

Today the whole of Point England school went around to look at different art that has been created for 2020. I enjoyed team four’s because it had different culture’s patterns and a description about what there art was about.

 I appreciated these events that happen at our school because I wanted to inspect the different art that other students did in there classrooms.

I enjoyed team three’s artwork because I liked the Samoan patterns that's called Siapo, I liked it because I liked the different shapes they used to draw it.