Yesterday, all the Year 3s and Year 4s got on a bus to go to the Stardom. When we were on the bus we were get very excIted. We were playing hand games and looking out the windows. I was playing with Gabby we were playing I dare you and I won and I dared her to touch the ground. I was happy because I had not been to stardom before.
When we weren’t in the Stardome, we were having fun outside. First we ate then we played at the playground. There were other people that we didn’t know but we still gave them a turn to go on the things that they wanted to go on. I was at the park playing on the swings with my teacher she was too big for the little one but she still went on it. I was laughing at her and she was laughing too. When she came off her leg was sawer from the little swings. We went on another swing the teacher told some kids to push both of us. After that we went into stardom
After all this, we headed back to Point England School. After we came out side we went in our 3 busses and some of term 3 were playing hand games. I was sleeping because I was tied and people were to noisy. Then me and le’sher were sleeping. Finally we got to Pt England school and ate again because it was play time. we never won the quiz.