
Thursday, 27 February 2020


Being a good host is important in my family.  This is an opportunity to show your visitors your home and the way your family looks after each other.  I will explain three ways you can be a good host.Welcome your visitors into your home.  When you hear a knock at your door, open your door and welcome the guest into your home.   Make sure you sound happy so that your visitor can feel extended to and show you feel happy by showing a contented face talk and then farewell them all at your doorstep in my culture is rude.  While they will typically say no, it is good to practice to have someone in the family bring out a cup of tea, biscuits or anything light that would go with the cuppa tea.  If it is near a big meal time, welcome them to the table to share the meal with your family. When they finish having something light pack up what they ate from then come back and sit down and talk with the visitor it is good to do these thing because if you don’t then they will not ever want to come back to your house and talk to you so this is a acceptable house that you would always want to go to.When they finish having something light pack up what they ate from then come back and sit down and talk with the visitor it is good to do these thing because if you don’t then they will not ever want to come back to your house and talk to you so this is a acceptable house that you would always want to go to.

Miss Tele'a made us do another explanation writing, so we could get ready for our writing test next week! We had to write about being a good host! We have to teach the reader on how to be a good host. We could do that by offering food! Then I posted it on my blog for all of you to see!

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