
Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Hauora Talk

  Today at 10am all the girls had a hauora talk with Ms Setefano and we were talking about the quote from Mark 12:30-31 and it says ‘Love our neighbour as yourself and what that means. We were talking about what does love mean and us girls were saying love is an emotion and it means someone cares about you, it's a passion, and commitment. Love involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust and then we started talking about who your neighbour and most of us girls said family,siblings and teachers but then Mrs Setefano said neighbour is everyone around you not just your family, friends or your close relationships with others. The girls were talking about what Love our neighbour as yourself'' means. We said it means helping others, being kind,being compassionate,treating others the way you want to be treated and using your manners and putting others first before yourself which means helping others or complimenting them. I would like to THANK YOU Mrs Setefano for teaching us about loving our neighbour before loving us and Thank you for supporting us in our learning.

What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself? - Quora

Mark 12:31 Love Your Neighbor as Yourself - Free Bible Art Downloads -  Bible Verses To Go


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