
Monday, 11 January 2021

Summer Learning Journey


  1. Mōrena Yolanda, my name is Elle and I’m from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Tino pai tō mahi! You have done an awesome job on your Which One Doesn’t Belong activity! I really appreciate how much effort you’ve put into your slides and your explanation of each difference you noticed. You even noticed some features that I didn’t see! For example, in slide two, I was so focused on the fact that Santa B didn’t have a Santa sack, I didn’t see that Santa D is the only one holding a bell. Great spotting!

    Well done for stepping it up and creating a challenge of your own! What a great idea using sports brand logos! I noticed that the Tommy Hilfiger logo is the only brand with two words in its name! I also noticed that the Puma logo is the only brand with one colour, whilst the others have two or three colours! I wonder what other people will notice?

    What was your favourite part about completing this activity? I think it’s so cool to see differences from other people’s perspectives!

    Keep up the great mahi and I look forward to commenting on your future blog posts!

    Ngā mihi,
    Elle (SLJ)

    1. Talofa Lava Elle,

      Thank you so much for commenting and yes I was up late last night trying to finish the tasks before going to bed and I was trying to spot the different things about the task and it was pretty hard but it was kind of easy at the same time. My favourite part about completing this activity was spotting the different things about the pictures and my other favourite thing was making my own at the end.

      Kind Regards,


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