
Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Te Huarere/Weather

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Yolanda

    Benjamin here again.

    He paki rangi i tēnei rā. Is it sunny for you today too?

    Great work with the mahi! Some one told me that the adjectives and nouns can be written the other way around also, for example ‘he rangi paki’. Keep that in mind if you ever see things that way around.

    Just a note Yolanda, it’d be awesome if you could write a brief description about how you found the activity to go along with your blogs. Was it easy or challenging? Did you learn anything new? Was it enjoyable or boring? How could you improve with this learning in the future? Things like that :D.

    Keep up the excellent mahi e hoa.

    Mā te wā



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